Russian Three Star General CAPTURED in Ukraine

Why is germany buying russian energy?
Why did merkel push to get the Nord stream pipeline?
Why is germany playing two sides?
That is indeed a lot of whys.

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Because it is economically sound and makes the most sense for Germany.

The wrong side will soon be out of power and the right side will hopefully restore sanity to the German state. Time will tell but that is the motion taking place.

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You are part of NATO but you buy energy from the enemy?
Should I ask that question again?

Economically sound?
Makes sense for for Germany?

Is Germany part of NATO or not?

Remember friends about the Marschall plan?
Germany still has not fully reimbursed for the Marshall plan aid while other European countries have.

What is Germany doing? Playing two sides.
I will point this out again. merkel is THE European leader that pushed for the Nord stream pipeline knowing full well that it would make p.o.e. poutine $B’s. She knew by doing so it would empower p.o.e. poutine.
Merkel’s, Germany’s actions, on going actions do not excuse p.o.e. poutine invading Ukraine
NO they/Germany financed it, yes financed it.

Is Germany part of NATO?

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Saying something once is usually enough. Ten times is overkill.


Please stick to Ukraine and Russia so we can keep this thread going.

You can’t have one vs the other.

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We will or this thread will be closed.

I’m letting plenty of stuff on the line go on. We aren’t stretching it further.

I’m not going to argue and please stop pushing the limits.

Yeah, I figured that one had a 50/50 chance of survival. No complaints from me.


If this gets closed because of one freaking poster 

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I can assure you there were multiple people involved.


Look over there guys, Germany!



Also it’s not like the Marshall Plan was done strictly as a loan and not an investment in Europe to you know keep the people from listening to the Communists and potential dictator redux as they pulled themselves out of the rubble of WW2. Do you know when’s a great time for Communists and or any other time pot rise? When everything is broken.

Also @Coogcheese I absolutely went old school politics board over here Friday.


Looks like Ukraine asking for more

Whilst I feel terrible for Ukraine. I am going to laugh at the dummies who thought the Face Eating Leopard Party surely wouldn’t eat their faces.

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The European financial help to Ukraine is a loan.
The U.S. financial help to Ukraine contains no contingency, loan et
and we have no receipts for it.

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That’s a half truth. Not all of the European help to Ukraine has been a loan. Not even close.

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I’m also willing to bet these “loans” are in the not expected to be paid off any time in the near to mid future if ever. Reason being the long game a foot. I know for certain folks long games are hard to understand.

A severely degraded Russian military not capable of much more than self defense, they can send as much as they want into the meat grinder but these days the “quantity being a quality on its own” argument is less strong than ever. That’s the goal.