Quentin Grimes

I hope not. I would love to see Sasser stay home, just so long as the Rockets hire a new coach.

Man, Grimes is killing it tonight against the Pacers. 34 points with just over a minute to go. He’s not just scoring, either. He has several steals and is playing hard on the defensive end.


Grimes is good. If he’s not already the best pro UH player since Hakeem & Clyde, I think he will be soon.


My Twitter is showing “Grimes” is the #4 trending topic in America

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career high for grimes


his plays from today with some fancy highlights


Enjoy the highlights!

This is what I enjoy more than March Madness.

Go Grimes! Incredible play tonight.



This pick was nails.
" NBA PrizePicks predictions, picks Wednesday
Quentin Grimes more than 14.5 Points"


A star in the making! The Rockets scouting department really missed their target.


He is getting himself ready for that mega contract! Well deserved.


I don’t think he would have developed with the Rockets, honestly.


Rockets wouldn’t have done anything for Q.

That last “right on Q” in the video was brilliant.


He has been a great recruiting pitch


You’re probably right. They did him a favor by not drafting him.

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im not sure about that…

something i noticed about grimes is that ge only becomes dominant when ge “has to”… his dominant stretch with the knicks is becuase rj barrett is injured and the went up another level again the last game because brunson is injured too… grimes has a “ill be the guy if no one else will be the guy” mindset. he might go back to his 5-10 per status when everyone is healthy (he defers to the older stars)

IMO grimes would have taken over the at rockets … on the rocket there are no “older stars” everyone on the rockets are peers…
he was dominant in the combine scrimmages with his peers, dominant in the summer league with his peers, dominant in the rookie/soph game with his peers …he wouldn’t be deferring like he does on the knicks (when healthy)

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Same franchise that took McCray over Drexler.


its not about how they would treat grimes… but how grimes would treat them…
grimes didnt dominate the combine, summer league, rookie/soph allstar by his team passing him the ball more… he demands the ball… when the knicks are full healthy he sits in a corner and accpets the ball isnt coming to him and just becomes the D guy… and with every star getting injured he demanding the ball more

your exact quote about these players wouldnt fall in line… the names in rookie/soph allstar challenge were bigger than those players and grimes was the top alpha in that game

you mentioning tari is odd becuase tari on was grimes team (in allstar weekend) an openly talked about grimes being the alpha on the team
here is a clip of tari making jokes post game with grimes in the presser about if his back is hurting from carrying the team

Josh Christopher lol

I tell you one thing…

Quentin Grimes > Josh Christopher

Stone fumbled that pick tremendously.


Grimes is way better than Christopher. Of course it would be better to have him. But no one gets every pick right. I’d rather undo Green over Mobley than JC over Grimes.

I get what they saw in JC. He’s a really good on ball defender. Incredible finisher downhill in transition. Pretty good shot creator off the dribble. He’s younger than Tramon Mark. If he was in college right now he’d be dominating. But whether he has a career will like many players come down to whether he can become an adequate 3pt shooter and it doesn’t look good right now.

i didnt give you a 1 fame sampls size i gave you a 12 game sample size… literally every time he has had a game with peers … its was he got hot that 1 game, like your portrayal. the sample size has gotten too big…its even growing now with the knicks injuries

also most of the knicks are just as selfish have you seen quickley play? and brings me to my other point “jalen did the same” techncially grimes scored more (27 vs 20), and was being face guarded (unlike jalen) but that is neither her nor there… im saying te word alpha , but i mean “star” where they can be multiple stars… like how when grimes scored 36, quickly scored 39… jalen scored a lot, so did grimes becuase both can score and thrive together…

no where in your point is that the knicks are a drastically more limiting spot that the rockets… thibs limits everything… Cam Reddish came in as top end scorer, with rep like KPJ and did like 2 a game… duece mcbride did like 35 a game in the gleague does 2 a game for the knicks… there are 2 former elite that has leve usage that grimes in rose and fournier…getting shine under thibs is likely harder than it is in houston…