Proposed "Golden At Bat" Rule

Sounds dumb as hell. Baseball shouldn’t need this level of gimmick.

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As belligerent as some fans got with me back when this was going on (I favored the move), I’m not sure I agree.

Those fans definitely thought the move was an abomination as well.

Guess what? Didn’t matter. The ownership wanted it, and the ownership generally gets what it wants.

Movie gif. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Iron Man has his arms crossed and he rolls his eyes dramatically.


Yep. They wanted balanced divisions, We were the path of least resistance. It was either us, or Rockies/ DBacks go AL West and Astros go NL West. Either way the Astros were moving.

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It’s been said that the Astros’ new ownership was given about $70 million by MLB to convince them to make the move to the AL.

Also, Astros fans should go easy on the commissioner. After the cheating scandal there was talk about the Astros having to give up the 2017 championship, but wasn’t it Manfred who said that it was just a piece of metal, and to basically let it go?

Then they would have several championship trophies from throughout baseball’s existence that could be argued to be given up.


Definitely a slippery slope. In general baseball does what they can, not to change the outcome of games or results that happened on the field. That’s why Bonds is the home run king and why that one Tigers pitcher wasn’t awarded a perfect game even though he did throw one.

“Hey Hader, great job striking out Soto….umm, now do it again”.

GTFO with that BS.


I would be ok with the “Golden at Bat” rule if the hitter had to hit a soft ball off a tee and the shortstop and 2nd baseman had to stand on the mound single file behind the pitcher. Then it would be perfect so long as all base runners got a 3 second head start before the hitter got to swing.


So you don’t like baseball?

Bozo Commish tinkering with a great game , that didn’t need screwed with just to appease some dipshi#$ that are too stupid and or lazy to figure it out



This guy has never played the game……if he had we wouldn’t have a ghost runner on 2nd base in extra innings.


don’t knock the Bananas…one of my daughter’s private coaches plays on that circuit.

But no, don’t wanna see it in MLB, either. That’s dumb. Baseball is enough of a circus as it is sometimes – especially with Manfred as the ring leader. He must have gone to a lot of ABA games as a kid or something.

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I think with this, the time clock, robot umps and challenge system, it is being geared towards the younger generation.

doubt something like this would ever pass. but from what I have heard, it does still have its share of support, which is concerning in and of itself about where the game is headed.


I asked the boys last night at practice about the suggestion of this….

All 15 of these 17 year old future college ball players agreed it was stupid.( I’m cleaning up the actual language they used)

So it’s not just “old guys” that consider it ridiculous….

yeah, just got a text from my 8-year-old as well…she said she’s done following baseball if it passes


Yeah, I think that they are trying to reach out to the young, non baseball fans.

I don’t think youth has anything to do with it…they’re not the ones buying the tickets.

And if you’re not a baseball fan, you’re not gonna go to the games anyway.

They’re trying to appeal to those that want more offense out of the game or those that still feel the game is too long and/or too boring. Most of the changes we’ve seen over the last several years are geared towards this.

It’s really kinda contradictory anyway. More offense means longer games.

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Which is the younger Tik tok generation, who they say have shorter attention spans. I think that they want to appeal to new viewers.