Polls are bull****

That’s why I don’t get all the micromanaging of these polls. If we were ranked 24th this week and lost to USF, would anyone a year from now say “hey we were pretty good last year or we wouldn’t have been ranked for one week.” Obviously we never had a shot at the CFP and if the concern is about an NY6 bowl, we go 12-1, we will be ranked higher than App State or any other G5 champ guaranteed.


Agree, wasn’t it a $200+ million deal?

I just don’t get all the drama over the polls. They are largely BS in any case and mean absolutely nothing at this point in the season.

For you “G5 has a shot at the CFP” believers, see how no matter who loses in the top 10, UCF mysteriously stays outside the top 10.

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I’d hardly call a 14pts game a “blowout”…rather a solid win…


No idea what you are talking about, I think Tech should be ranked, simple as that. Also I am guessing the question isn’t for me since I never said we had any.

My bad. I read it wrong. I took it as two different statements because I was following the App State is less deserving than UH comments.

Run the table, and everything else will take care of itself.


Fair enough. Glad we agree that all our wins were solid wins this year. :slight_smile:


I don’t think I compared App State to UH.
Just the Big 10 to the AAC.

Michigan is sitting at 6
OSU was at 4…talking heads saying they can still get in.
Big 10 is overrated.

Tech has as good of shot at winning the Big XII as anyone. If we win out, will the CFP committee say the TT game was just a blip? Will they credit UH with beating a stout UCF team? Doubt it.

Certainly true. This is a tool that they can “prove” their SOS claim.

Yeah, but I can’t keep my mouth shut that long!

All of our wins have 5+ losses. 5 of the 6 have 2 or fewer wins. Our schedule is ranked 123rd.

We have to keep winning to get respect.

When you reply I can never tell if you don’t know you are agreeing with me or that you know and are just supporting my argument.

lost badly? i recall it being very close, closer then their loss to Pedo State

who is app state’s quality win?

our scheduled is bad but theirs is atrocious

How dare they deprive “Two Quarters of Mortal Hell” from the Top 25!!!

How is losing by 14 points to an unranked team a closer game than losing by 7 in OVERTIME to a ranked team?

They don’t have quality wins and neither do we.

Is it possible he is saying that with one of the worst schedules in football we are fighting an uphill battle for anyone to take us seriously and a “solid win” with this schedule is purely mythical.

Please don’t answer for him. You are in the belief that UCF, USF, Cincy, Temple are all crap teams because they aren’t in the SEC. He isn’t saying we can’t have quality wins. Texas Tech would have been a quality win. USF, if we win will be a quality win. If we play in the conference championship and win, it will be a quality win. You are the only one on this forum that believes that the worst teams in the ACC, Big12 and Big10 are still better than the best teams in the AAC.

As usual you have no clue but ok, I will try to explain. Beating Texas Tech would have been a quality Win albeit in comparison to some other Big 12 schools a little week. I’m not convinced beating USF will be a quality win but OK let’s say it is AND we win the conference championship then we might have 3 “quality wins” at best. Not 5 like you are claiming.
Lastly please show everyone where I said “USF, UCF, Temple are crap because they aren’t in the SEC”. They are crap because they are crap. They also just happen to be in the AAC.

What is a “little week”…5 days ?