OT: Retro UH Merch Drop

Academy sucks

The timeline went sideways after the phantom menace.

UK is Kentucky and their school colors are blue and white. KU is Kansas and their school color is also blue.

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nobody will ever call the wet coog cool.




I do miss my UH wet coog watch. The band broke because it was cheaply made, but a relic of a time best forgotten. :sweat_smile: :rofl:

I love that vintage Cougar drawing.

To me, this is like our equivalent of TCU’s vintage-looking horned frog logo.

Check your emails from Cougar Pride or Alumni Association, if you’re part of them already.

I believe we can get discounts after a certain amount of $$ spent on each purchase.

What about a “Cat” that has Wayne Newton hair?

That would be wayyyyyyy cool.

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When Tom Herman was here I drunk and drank and finally spit out the koolaid——-but before I did, I bought the Red G-Shock watch that all the coaches had.


Does that still count if I’m not a graduate? I don’t know how these things work.

That’s rad! Which one?

It wouldn’t under the Alumni Association, but if you’ve donated to the Cougar Pride Fund, I believe it may.

If you have donate to Cougar Pride, I’d suggest checking the emails. I’m actually going to do that, too, because I plan on getting some of those nice vintage shirts.

The wetcat logo was rockin’.

So much better than current stuff. Not sure why we keep coping Kentucky logo

It may just be me, but it does feel like they’re rolling out a lot more retro stuff. I wonder if they’re putting out feelers to go back to the old branding for the Big 12 transition? Anyone with close knowledge of the AD know how seriously they’ve considered it?

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Best logo ever

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agreed, although I do wish they’d have sold that hat in red. as someone who doesn’t really wear trucker hats, that feels like a pretty big oversight.

The classic logo with the black outlining is still the best.

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