Moving to electric vehicles will dull recessions currently inflated by oil

Didn’t we already have this discussion like a month ago? We all know many products we buy and wear and consume in the US are made (or have components made) with forced or unfair labor. That includes components of Teslas, stuff in probably every electronic device you own, some of the UH gear we proudly wear, etc. We are all at least passively complicit.

So remember that as you wish for that ugly Cybertruck.

…and you know that is entirely different.
Forced labor? Why don’t you call it slave labor? These are actual slaves. There is not another way to put it.

Forced labor includes slave labor at the very least, if not just a synonym. No it is not any different, neither is ok.

Good, call it slave labor. We in the West casually let that go when talking/writing/arguing about the ccp.

Or diamond mining in Africa, likely cobalt mining wherever it is they mine that as well.

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Rinse and recycle.


Exactly and that is one of the reasons why EV’s are not as popular as they should.

The biggest issue with EV popularity is there is no infrastructure to charge them everywhere like there are gas stations. Add onto that I don’t think you can truly repair them yourself efficiently or cheaply like a combustion vehicle.

I mean you can’t really do that anymore either ICE cars are almost as dependent on software and such as an EV. Not a lot of shade tree mechaning on acting later modeled anymore.

I don’t know, don’t see too many auto parts stores going out of business.

No but to you can look at those cars in parking lot not too many past a certain year. And that year gets further in the past every day.

Oil and traditional car makers are scared as crap out of EVs, that’s why they are putting out mis-information. EVs are so simple that parts and service revenue streams are going to dwindle for the automakers. Imagine, no alternators, cams, valves, pistons, cranks shafts, oil, oil sumps, transmissions, etc etc. Just an electric motor and battery. Its no wonder they are fighting tooth and nail to brainwash the gullible like certain posters here.

The cost is higher, it loses its value faster than ice vehicles. The insurance is ridiculous on them.

If you want to buy one, then buy one, but there are reasons the sales are slowing rapidly, even in Europe.

China is the only place where popularity is increasing which is ironic given they have the dirtiest grid on the planet. They are the LAST people you want buying EVs.

Your information is a little outdated. 63% of China’s electric grid powered by fossil fuels. Huge investment in renewables there and more
destined to come online.

And what is US electric grid by fuel ? About 60% from fossil fuels. So the dirtiest grid thing
take is a bit dated now.

In 2021, fossil fuels remained the most common fuel type for electricity production in the U.S. The primary fuel type was natural gas, accounting for about 38.4% of total energy production nationwide. Coal was the second most common fuel type, accounting for 21.9% of electricity production. Nuclear was third at 18.9%. Zip code-level electricity mix data are available on

Electric Power Sector Basics | US EPA.

Oh, and the slowing rapidly thing is getting a bit
of over play in the press. EV car registrations
being up 42.7% on Jan 2024 to Jan 2023. That’s a hell of a slow down

EVs - whether fully electric models, plug-in hybrids or full hybrids - accounted for 47.5% of all new EU passenger car registrations in January, up from 42.7% a year earlier, but down from 53.3% in December.

And in the US, numbers are not bad either.
Check out 2nd bullet from Argonne National Lab.


  • Over 1.4M plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) were sold in 2023, an increase of over 50% from 2022 sales. BEVs account for 80% of the PEV sales.
  • PEVs reached 9.4% of monthly sales in March 2024 and were 9.3% of all passenger vehicle sales in 2023, up from 6.8% in 2022.
  • Cumulatively, over 5 million plug-in electric vehicles have been sold in the United States (as of the end of March 2024).

60% of China’s grid is powered by coal. They are building more coal fueled plants. Their growth in renewables? If you can believe their numbers (if you do I have some office buildings in China I would like to sell you), I doubt they are giving up coal anytime soon.

Why are you hung up on power stations? Cars pollute more than any centralized power station, even coal stations. (Plus the refineries aren’t exactly any better) It’s better controlled and monitored, on cars, the emissions aren’t maintained or simply wear out.

Look, you’ve been brainwashed by your media, all your talking points directly align with the propaganda they made up. It’s so evident.

Here’s an article from MIT. I hope that’s good enough for you, probably more credible than the YouTube videos you listen to.

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They are just a bad product.

If you want to pay a lot for an inferior and inefficient product, do it. Buy three or four it is a free country so do with your money as you see fit.

Question for the mods…

Why is obvious political drivel allowed to sully this thread?

True they are building more coal plants and more renewables too. Their renewables vs fossil fuel
generation is not much different from ours. We do have more NG fueled generators which have some environmental advantages vs coal for sure, but still a fossil fuel. And guess what, we are building more NG generators in Texas.

Solar and wind farms are kinda hard to hide ; there are satellite photos that are easily verifiable
of their scale.

LITTLETON, Colorado, Feb 28 (Reuters) - China has been the world’s largest and fastest-growing producer of renewable energy for more than a decade, but has widened its lead over international rivals through a steep acceleration in the roll out of wind capacity since 2021.

China added more wind generation capacity in the past two years than over the previous seven, and in 2022 generated 46% more wind power than all of Europe, the second largest wind generation market, according to data from think tank Ember.

Now some DA will accuse me of being a China lover or something like that. It’s best to know
your enemy, their strengths, and their weaknesses rather then being a red white and blue sunglasses “patriot”.

I agree with your take on First generation BEV cars having a long term low resale value and probably close to just salvage value after 10 years. But to call BEV as inferior product, with
the performance and less maintenance, is pretty much just a personal opinion that is probably
influenced by the O&G guys paid for misinformation.