All are public menaces. All should be banned from societal interactions.
I guess they will call them Freedom Sores instead of Measles?
The number is over 130 now and there was an alert in the news about exposure on the Texas State campus, UTSA and the Riverwalk.
I had no idea that in the 1970s and 1980s Measles was the cause of death in about 500k kids annually worldwide.
At this point, with these types of people, I can only hope there is sufficient pain for all involved for others to learn valuable lessons.
Gonna be crazy when the Final Four is being held smack dab in the middle of an epidemic.
Some idiot with known measles went to Texas State campus, Twin Peaks San Marcos, UTSA, Ripley’s Wax Museum on River Walk, and Buccees New Braunfels exposing tens of thousands to measles over Valentines weekend.
Oh no, that’s horrible. Would use much stronger language here if allowed.
Guess all I can hope for is that this kids most
unfortunate death will be a wake up call to all
the adults that tune in to internet conspiracy trash.
It was an unvaccinated child. Terrible and preventable.
Just as worrisome is how many people were exposed in SM, and in the San Antonio/Riveralk area. Such a big tourist area is the perfect place to spread it further. It will be about 10 more days before we may know how many cases may happen as a result.
A friend of mine who is a doctor said he has never seen a measles case other than in pictures in a text book and is having to develop a more robust contact tracing strategy if he gets one in his office. One person with measles may infect 12-18 others.
Yep, terrible and preventable.
I would advise caution if you think one side or another is scoring points.
It started with the Mennonite community or should we say the kindling was in the Mennonite community. How and where it spreads might not be what one side thinks it is. In fact it very well might feed into the other side’s narrative.
Let’s just get through this. Measles shouldn’t be an issue.
Who is trying to score points?
I just want kids to be vaccinated for stuff like the measles so we don’t have them dying.
I was just able to post something like this.
You are always going to have pockets of un vaccinated for religious reasons. That is their right.
How those pockets get exposed might be an inconvenient truth.
I don’t know what you’re trying to imply but unvaccinated kids (and adults for that matter) is the root cause, imo. This was preventable.
It’s terrible stuff like the measles is coming back.
No it is not. It is unvaccinated adults or adolescents that are mobil that could be the cause.
The Mennonites were dry kindling as were the orthodox jews in 2018 and 2019. How tge fire starts or spreads is still to be determined.
Would this kid be alive if they were vaccinated?
You’re speculating (seemingly without evidence but happy to look if you have it) about something which is deflecting from the issue. Do we even know if this kid was Mennonite?
It’s impossible to stop stuff like this from spreading without vaccines. Lock the borders, shut down, etc. It ain’t going to stop it if people aren’t vaccinated.
The Mennonite faith allows parents to make that choice, they are not told to not get vaccinated.
We don’t know anything about the kid. We know the outbreak happened in the Mennonite community. Past that we know nothing because nothing is being reported.
That is why I say be careful with the narrative (Texas, red state, anti vaxxers) that could be total B.S.
This might play right into the hands of other people.
And blaming it on something else (which you seem to be speculating about) doesn’t?
An unvaccinated kid is dead. He/she doesn’t have to be. There’s no narrative there. It’s just this kid is dead because he/she wasn’t vaccinated. That’s tragic.