List of mediocre teams wanting to fire their coach

Wow same old thing? We would love to win 8-10 games every year and go bowling, feel really bad for them, and then we have us lol

There are those who want the head coach fired, but they are relatively few.

The coaches w we go are on the hot seat are Funk (OL) and maybe Roderick (OC). There are LOTS of issues with Funk. Even stupid stuff like giving recruit’s tickets to his wife instead of allowing the recruit in. Our OL SHOULD be better, but they’ve been dreadful.

Roderick… we will see. He’s had four or five good years so I think he’s safe. It hasn’t been good at all this year.

So you guys are saying we’ll get at least 3 more miracle wins?

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I think OSU has many Ok St fans that are similar to Tech under Leach. They are always good, but never quite good enough. Now that OSU has been consistently good under Gundy, some Ok St fans expect conference championship games every other year and Gundy won’t give that. Winning puts him on the hot seat in some people’s eyes because it is not enough winning now.


Cincinnati just hired Satterfield…you never know, they could turn it around next year :man_shrugging:t4:

Like Colorado, all cylinders were up week 2 but now…

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