Link between Low Level Of Vitamin D and Getting Covid

Fortunately you have lived to tell about it, maybe the D had something do with that.

I checked my vitamin D report & found this Quest Diagnostics info for health professionals at Item 6 —

Vitamin D deficiency, as defined by the Endocrine Society, is common. As much as 68% to 77% of the population is estimated to have suboptimal (<30 ng/mL) levels of vitamin D.

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Just curious……did you take any vit d supplants? I did as advised by my Coog doc, even though it showed I was already in the normal zone. Still no covid to my knowledge even though I was flagrant in disobeying published protocol.

No one at this point really knows. With any supplement I take, and there are few, I really try to make it a point to understand what the limits are.

Fully vaxxed and one booster.

I take 2000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily in the summer and 4000 in winter. Stuff is cheap. Dr. Davis says get the clear softgels with oil in them, not hard tablets, don’t get combo Calcium-D3 pills, & don’t get D2 — see my long post above quoting Dr. Davis for why & more info.

Here’s a year’s supply from Sam’s for 10 bucks — lowest price I’ve seen


I take 5000 IU few times a week and latest test was
at 54.3. No covid yet that I know of. Use D3 gel as well.

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I take 2000 iu once a day.

My # is 36.

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