Indian removal act of 1830

His voyage wasn’t for that he was trying to find another passage to get to the spice trades of India, where as the current land and oceanic trade routes known were dominated by the Muslim Caliphates who were far more powerful than the Western Christian nations at the time

The Cape of Good Hope route bypassing those Caliphates had already been discovered in 1488.

However, it was a long, dangerous voyage. Columbus believed that he could reach India more easily…by sailing West.

Truly uncharted territory!

When people stop glorifying killers and oppressor’s of their fellowman as some type of hero locally or nationally and see these monsters for what they are i.e (Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon etc) sociopaths and psycopath, mass murderers. We’ll continue to have problems as a species and live with the possible mass annihilation of ourselves as a species by our own hands

Domination is the name of the game. Physically, geopolitically, monetarily, even spiritually.

Change human nature?

We abolished slavery. Human nature can change.

It’s kinda an older movie on Netflix but It went over geronimo’s last days before he surrendered and his Apache tribe was sent to a Florida reservation and how the gov lied to him. They also had Indian scouts in the US army but once geronimo surrendered, they took their guns away and sent them to Florida. They were promised that they would be part of army but the gov pulled that away too after they served. They had a US general, gatewood that helped capture Geronimo then later when over, they sent him to Wyoming to get him out of the way so that the gov wouldn’t look bad in spending decades chasing geronimo.

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Each individual has to change themselves. Christ, Buddha all the great spiritual Masters
taught this, then the world will be changed. Lot harder than it sounds but we must if we don’t, will have a burned out cinder of a world as our gift to creation.

Some of my people who are of The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal own Nation Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, which is a hotel and resort. My old man worked there after retiring from the military worked there for a spell. So all native Americans aren’t doing so bad. Can’t beat’em join’em, take their money

We should add UT to past and present injustices. Someday people will look back on the PUF fund and see how wrong it was. Lol

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There are millions and millions (close to 30 million or more) of people today who are still in slavery.

We are still the same animals today that we always have been imo.

Given the same circumstances, people today would act exactly like our ancestors. imo of course. People today are not special. We just have easier lives (thanks to our evil evil ancestors).

As for the In Dios people, the line of people who were f’ed over by the government or any government that ever existed is a looooong long line. The In Dios people were not angels either in this equation.

It’s like a divorced couple having an anniversary of when they were caught cheating, not healthy. Let it go imo.

That is highly debatable with Napoleon. Add the biggest of the history of mankind: mao tse tong
mao tse tung by all accounts is responsible for killing at least over 100, yes 100 millions people.
Tsalin is not far behind with an estimated 75 millions people.
Who knows about n.korea…
mao tse tung or stalin statues still standing?
The chinese dictatorship considers mao tse tung as their god. The exact description can be said with the north koreans.
All of the above have one thing in common. Communism!!!

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Get no argument from me. I totally agree. Evil is evil…_dressed up with the face of ideology , nationlism or any other ism plus religiousity

America is still the best force on earth for good. Without us , the world would be much worse. Ex. , after WWII , we treated Germany and Japan well and could have done otherwise which is why we are allies now. The Germans wanted to surrender to us vs the Russians bc the Russians were cruel.

The Russians were cruel because the war in the East was literally a four year continuous atrocity by the Germans, and the march west was absolutely a revenge tour.

I agree without playing into the American exceptionalism mind trap. Because I see us a country that can do much better, we don’t need to compare ourselves to other countries. We exceptional if we live to our highest aspirations and help lead humanity towards universal world peace. We had a sole monopoly on atomic bomb for 4 yrs, before the USSR had one. If we were hell bent on world conquest we could have done it. With that said we need to wage war for world peace just like in war. We need to raise the US institute Of Peace to a Cabinet level to start with

Cape Horn is on southern tip of South America which had yet to be discovered at the time. You obviously meant Cape of Good Hope in South Africa which is not nearly as treacherous as sailing around the Horn.

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The hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed would beg to differ with you. As would the tens of thousand of Afghans. As would ……

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That also might depend on which Afghans you ask.

A lot of the Afghans that I knew and worked with over there feel abandoned and are terrified by the Taliban who are now walking around everywhere.

I think those wars were not needed. 911 wasn’t caused by sadam and we should have done targeted strikes against terrorism like when they hit bin L under Obama. We did need to do something after 911 but what we did cost a lot of money and lives on both sides.


Right on point TOP25. Our so called intel telling, lecturing the world that saddam had to be taken out lead us to the worst path that we could have taken. saddam was at war and contained the jihadists the same can be said for gaddafi. We took both out and what are we left with? We know the rest of the story.
President Reagan and Bush Senior to a certain extent knew what our best interests were.

Coming back to the actual thread we ought to do better. Nothing is ever too late and most importantly it can be done. This starts with a real plan on economically developing or try to develop these destitute areas. A Hogan is essential to Native American culture. Native Americans to better themselves with real help.