I’m taking a bullet for the team

SMU students have been obnoxious buttholes towards my wife and I when we’ve made the last couple of trips up there. I hope they lose every game in every sport and my wife will tell you that I never spend any time hating other schools. It’s a waste of emotion IMO. But SMU is the exception.

My wife has told me she’ll never go back unless it’s to revisit 43’s Prez Library on campus. That’s a recommended trip no matter your political affiliation.


Rooting hard for SMU to get mauled.


Having a possible realignment partner could also help UH get into a cartel 5 conference. I could see a conference wanting in the Houston and Dallas markets.

None of the P5 are ever adding SMU.

They don’t fit the profile of any school that has been added to the PAC/BIG/SEC and the XII has 4 Texas teams (including one in that market).

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Will Dykes be there another year?

Some of you here are cutting your nose to spite your face. A strong, really strong AAC, greatly benefits the AAC. An AAC that has at least 4 teams consistently ranked IS a power conference, on the field.

You want YOUR Houston Cougars to have a legitimate shot at the playoffs? Well we need the narrative and public opinion about the our Conference SOS to change.

SMU is doing a great job at that this year. They are memenes of OUR conference. If you’re in the spiteful group that doesn’t want to see them elevate our conference, well beat them on the field.

Unlike UT or TAMU, they do play us, they do have us in their conference, and they do share similar resources.

I say Go SMU bc I say Go American!!



They’ve improved recently then.


We compete for recruits against them. Ponies going unbeaten is good for them and no one else. Plus they are all such snotty, trust fund, a-holes. No thanks.


An improved grade of butthole is still a butthole.

Once again, having one strong program representing the conference does not elevate the conference in comparison to the g5. Having multiple teams beat p5 out of conference and in bowls does that.

The objective is not to have an 11-0 team play in a NY6 games and get thrashed (SMU). That just makes the conference look like a joke. The objective is to have four or five 9-2 and 8-3 teams beating people in bowls…preferably p5 people.

Oh, and ### SMU…the pretenders.


Yes! We should have 3-4 teams ranked every year. We need to change the public opinion that the AAC is very tough conference, one that consistently beats P5 teams. We need that narrative to be cemented so “when” we have a really good team from the American (us or someone else), they will be in the 4 team Playoff conversation.

That should be our ultimate goal the start of training camp each and every year…win the National Championship…everything else is fluff. We need a strong American to be able to do that. With that said, we had the schedule this season to be in the discussion.

We are a lot closer to the playoff than many here would think.

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Rooting for SMU in the event that they represent our conference in a prestigious bowl is akin to rooting for the Yankees in the World Series if they beat the Astros in the ALCS, (or the Cards for you long term Astros fans) …

Never gonna happen


I’ll have to see that to believe it. Pretty skeptical that they would ever let us have a piece of the pie.

Or Cubs, Braves, Mets…

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