I don’t think there is any way one could construe that I think “someone seeing a grown woman and thinking they’re beautiful is creepy” from my statement. I also recognize, and appreciate, their beauty, it’s just that they seem like kids to me even though they are technically grown women. Now if an 82 year old man actually dates an 18 year old “woman” I would think that is creepy. You may disagree and that is one of the great things about this country, we are free to disagree. Well, maybe before all this cancel culture BS.
At 80, most women are younger women.
At a game at the Rob, a young man was wearing a “Rice girls are ugly” t-shirt and I told him, “Never run down women, because every day older we get there is a larger range of women that we appreciate and a smaller range of women that appreciate us.”
Creepiness is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes it is. And I would bet that the vast majority of 18 year old “women” would think an 80 year old man hitting on them is creepy, or repulsive.
Hitting on and admiring from a distance are different things altogether.
Yep, and I never said admiring their beauty was creepy. It seems there is a reading comprehension deficit .
I’m 67 and I don’t date younger women, mainly because my wife won’t let me.
Thank you, Johnny. When some of our posters get a little older they will gain the maturity to know the difference.
That’s an iconic quote like in the movies. I’m gonna use that line
Thanks Johnny for that great quote!
Red, mine was a direct response to someone else. It is even linked in my reply.
We are doomed. When men of any age are chastised for appreciating a good looking woman, (and that is so subjective as to what is good looking) we have lost all perspective. Billion$ are spent on beauty care……the sole purpose of which is to look better to whichever sex you are appealing to. Creepy……No. Just a combination of natural selection and appreciation.
But whatever floats your boat. Don’t go looking for issues where there aren’t any.
Before everyone gets “creepy”, those ‘quotes’ were from a C&W song.
Who chastised you for appreciating a good looking woman?
Just one that I scrolled down to. [quote=“BradFromHouston, post:22, topic:31493”]
Creepiest post on a creepy thread.
Oops….quote didn’t come through like I intended. Response was to Red.
Makes one want to come back as a saddle after death.
My luck i’d be a
Saddle for Slim Pickens.
I am beginning to think that you believe we all have our own realities.
I have it on good authority this is the chart most women use to determine creepiness. Age is not one of the axes.
can we get back to posting pics of hot chicks…
Hear, hear