At least wait until the second quarter to bust that out

May be but his two big passes were long jump balls

You obviously aren’t at the game. More Coogs than Cougs

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I mean unlike last week. We actually look terrible this game.

We look better than first quarter last week. Stay positive


for those of us not at the game, how is the turnout and what is the ratio?

I am seeing a lot of blue on TV unfortunately

At this rate we wont have to wait for the second quarter.

Good effort by Stuard but yeah Wilson is really really good

I am on 200 level and it is more Blue than red up here.

His second one was, that first one was not a jump ball that was a dime in pretty good coverage

Their quarterback is the real deal.

The defense better wake up or thuis is going to be a route.

Byu fans vastly out number the UH fans. Id say 1,000 UH fans vs a little over 5,000 byu fans.

This is CNoD level defensive execution

I simply dont believe anything you type

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Are you a troll?


I told you guys.

BYU has a national fan base while we have one of the weakest.

Well im at the game soooo

Two freak passes are the real differences in this game. Let’s see what the offense has to say.


and you’ve been on your phone the entire time typing on a message board soooooooo

 the annoying byu fans have been louder all game. I didn’t even know there were this many in Houston.