This is on the refs. Let Duke hack away, play after play, with no foul calls.
Duke fans around me are obnoxious.
Duke sucks as bad as the refs
Why do we always get unfavorable refs?
Locker room or bench?
loooks like he came down on his right ankle… either on the hop up to lay up or when he came down
This is a long commercial break
Not good…
Because we are not an anointed one.
Gotta call that
Man, I am worried about Jamal, just hope it’s a knock and no serious injury. I’m not just talking about this game either.
Next man up, we have a game to win now.
Cryer step up… Shead looked off all game. Can we please have year without injuries?
Ramon Walker
Time to step up baby
Oh man please be a strain
I’m there too. Shead was down for a couple minutes, then got up and limped off.
I think they start draining 3s now… can we score to keep up? Need cryer and sharp to get going
This is why everyone hates Duke.
We need to take it to the basket more. We are slowing it up and letting the D get set. Cannot do that with their size.
Also looks like a sprain. Just some tape and a shot and he will be fine.
they can drain this