Sampson needs to play miller. What waste of talent on the bench. He gets no minutes in close games just blow outs. How is he going get any game experience if he never plays.
Again in his retirement year, when his back was almost totally shot. Horry came into the league in 92. Saying he have Larry all he wanted in 92 is not the same as if he gave Larry all he wanted in 86
I’m assuming you mean playoff series. I’m pretty sure that Horry’s Rockets never had a series against the Celtics (at all). When the Rockets last had a playoff seris with Boston (1986), Horry was still in high school.
I knew this was coming, hence the “unpopular” tag. I just like Mylik’s raw athleticism & his scrappiness on both sides of the ball. His midrange game has also improved a lot. That 4 guard, 1 big set we were forced to run late in the game was awesome to watch.