Game Thoughts After the Loss

I hate losing but we are 17-4 and top 5 virtually everywhere despite not being able to put 7,000 of our own fans in our awesome arena.

We have it so good right now I cannot imagine not being able to see that.

Sure it would be nice to go undefeated but there’s a reason that hasn’t happened since White Shadows was on prime time tv.


Kelvin Sampson will be our HC until he decides it’s time to retire and let his son take his spot.

We are blessed to have both!


Sampson needs to play miller. What waste of talent on the bench. He gets no minutes in close games just blow outs. How is he going get any game experience if he never plays.


CKS announced that Sharp will be sitting to allow his foot to heal according to Channel 2 Sports at 10:00 pm tonight.

teddy kgb GIF

If you gotta lose $1,000 at least it’s because the Coogs are doing well, and not the other way around.

15 wins :white_check_mark:
NCAA bound :white_check_mark:

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Health to me IS the problem. We get healthy before March madness? We 100% have a chance at the title. That is a big if.

I think you should call Sampson and let him know

The Rockets had a series against the Celtics and Bird got all he wanted out of Horry.

I hope they put Sharp in the training room twice a day.

When Miller plays D the way Sampson wants, he’ll be out there. Miller knows Sampson is his ticket to the NBA.

Again in his retirement year, when his back was almost totally shot. Horry came into the league in 92. Saying he have Larry all he wanted in 92 is not the same as if he gave Larry all he wanted in 86

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I’m assuming you mean playoff series. I’m pretty sure that Horry’s Rockets never had a series against the Celtics (at all). When the Rockets last had a playoff seris with Boston (1986), Horry was still in high school.

Maybe you mean some other team or player?

He’s talking about the series he set up on his X-Box…

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He might have been referring to Bobby Joe Reid ? :man_shrugging:

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I actually thought of Reid too. TA is closer to Reid than Horry.

Reid was definitely primary defender on Bird in ’ 86 ’ playoffs. But Bird was an MVP type player at time so…

good drama in this thread…lesson learned, don’t be placing bets you cant pay lol


I knew this was coming, hence the “unpopular” tag. I just like Mylik’s raw athleticism & his scrappiness on both sides of the ball. His midrange game has also improved a lot. That 4 guard, 1 big set we were forced to run late in the game was awesome to watch.

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This is definitely the chance for Wilson to make the most of his extended playing time. He should get “starter” minutes from here on out imo

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