Fear of Fascism

I read yesterday that the UK could reach 22% inflation according to Goldman Sachs…

NRG I never would have pegged you for a supply sider.

A lot of that “deficits don’t matter” BS is …well…BS. The laws of economics have not been suspended.

We continually push our government expenses to future generations because quite frankly we don’t want to pay our bills. It isn’t a theoretical economic argument it is a moral argument. Pushing your government expenses to a future generation is taxation without representation. We simply don’t want to pay our bills.

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Now that’s scary. Not sure of their historical rates, but gotta believe that’s getting close to
their all time high.

Pushing your government expenses to future generations is taxation without representation…


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And it’s worked well for us for over 100 years.

When the deficit spending was manageable and practical…

I believe we’ve jumped that shark…

That’s why Powell is pulling out the entire bag of tricks…

I’m not a supply sider. And laws of supply and demand do work.

The fallacy is equating personal financial experience thinking to national financial

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When the deficit spending was manageable and practical…

Correct. You think it isn’t from your statement. Based on what may I ask ?
As percent of GDP ?

When we get to 20% interest rates, then we are in new territory.

The question for me is if current inflation is tied to supply side disruptions,
is the Fed policy to manufacture a recession reasonable ? I don’t know.

The laws of economics haven’t been suspended.

Regardless it is morally wrong.

If we actually paid for this good governance, if our paychecks actually went down every time we spent more money in Washington, we probably would start asking the critical question that needs to be asked about every government agency and every office and government employee which is “what the hell do you do again?”

You updated your post… I was going to start with inflation rate… :grin:

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The laws of economics haven’t been suspended.

Agree they have not. Just don’t misapply the laws

That is correct our Debt to GDP ratio is higher than what it was during the peak of WW2.

It is not sustainable AND it is morally reprehensible.

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It needs to come down. No one anyone wants (or is willing to do) what we did to bring it down after WW2 though.

Sorry, often times I realize what I haven’t written is incomplete and doesn’t
convey what I hoped. Think more, reply less quickly, is my motto for today .

Which I need to do now. But enjoy reading your posts and 51’s S well.


And another way to look at it.

That’s year by year, right?

I know that feeling well… I don’t always agree with you or 51 but your arguments are always well thought out and based in fact…

Unfortunately, I have to focus on work now… To pay more taxes…


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When did inflation rear it’s ugly head? Hmmm…

To many people want bailouts, student loans is the latest example. Pretty soon you run out of other peoples $