
Lots of conspiracy theories they are searching for a rouge nuke in NJ that may be used as a dirty bomb.

Heard that one, too… supposedly, from missing Ukranian warheads…


So you admit its drones, and not Bigfoot in a flying saucer from Planet X.

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Let’s not discount mass hysteria as well. Many of these are planes. I’m on two to three flight paths, and I could see a drone every 5 minutes if my mind let me.


The fixed wing drones definitely look like military drones…

But the orbs and UFOs that can move quickly in all directions are pretty intriguing…

No… congressman Andy Kim had flight aware tracker open as he witnessed drones and they weren’t on there…

Not saying all. I’m saying some. Now everyone thinks they see one.

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I got one theory who’s to say it’s not China considering they have access to our ports with regularity with these giant container ships that come into our ports everyday of the year bringing imports into our country from their factories. Container ships would be perfect cover for motherships for launching these drones and controlling them and for spying on military installations which Chinese nationals have been doing and caught doing. Knowing our government there not going to make it public what they know not wanting to create international incident also for obvious reasons to show how powerless they are ( to the populace, cause panic which is happening anyway) to stop them from doing so.

True… some are planes/helos being falsely reported…

This dude was trying to haul a$$ back to China and got caught at the airport

Yep, he’s not the first or the last. China’s definitely interested in our military facilities here and elsewhere. Also little known fact the Swedes detained a Chinese ship for suspected sabotage of undersea cable in the Baltic Sea. There helping out Russia a lot more than being admitted by them or our government almost like there preparing for war with us and we’re doing the same

Cargo Ship.You get it?

This is America, why aren’t we already shooting these down?

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Idiots flying drones near airports and military airbases should be arrested and held without bail. Too, more (or same) idiots are pointing lasers at planes, which is a federal crime.

None of this is a “mystery” but it does present a real danger to air traffic.

What happens when you can get a drone for as low as $17?

From an article with a forbidden word.

‘In September of 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration, the FAA, changed the rules so that drones could fly at night,’ Mayorkas said.

‘And that may be one of the reasons why now people are seeing more drones than they did before, especially from dawn to dusk.’

The FAA already imposes restrictions on nighttime operations. Most drones are not allowed to fly at night unless they are equipped with anti-collision lights that are visible for at least 3 miles.

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