Big 12 / SEC / B10 Expansion Thread (Part 2)

Its a matter of history. You over-simplified it which you are prone to do when you have an angle on something. Tilman got us in with the help of some pols. You don’t have to like it.

As long as I don’t have to believe it.


Johnny probably has me on ignore, so why don’t you copy and paste the quote from Pezman that I posted.

At that point, he will no longer have any valid basis for NOT believing it.

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Now let’s see JohnnyCougar try and “not believe.”

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Not that I’m surprised but no UH player made 1st or 2nd team pre-season football team. Guys will need to step up!

That’s effed up if true.

Patrick Paul at the very least should be on it.

Hasn’t “next month” been the standard mantra for about a year now?


“There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.”

It’s almost like we were going to get left out for political reasons, but in large part due to big man Tilman, we got in for political reasons. It reminds me of the SWC split except this time we didn’t get blocked by Baylor and Texas Tech (Ann Richards and Bob Bullock).

UH definitely deserved to be in the Big 12 not just now but during the transition from the SWC to Big 12. So what if we got in for political reasons, or Tilman pulling strings. Every other school if they had the chance would do the same. One of the main reasons we waited so long to be back in the big leagues is because of political bs, not just with other in-state entities but with the UH administration itself (during the late 90’s-early 2000’s they were extremely anti-athletics).

Personally, I’m ecstatic the coogs are in a power conference once again. Having to go through the post-season bans, TV bans, and political turmoil of the past has severely hampered UH’s growth. Not just in athletics, but in education, perception, etc.

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There is no shame in using political power to get what is right for UH it made sense and it was right. TT and BU did in the split up of the SWC to get in the Big 12… what goes around come around.


I just thank God we had Tilman this round. He was none too pleased the last time they played games on expansion. Long live that guy. Being in the B12 is like being picked up in a shipping lane 1000 miles offshore. He will always be appreciated. I hope that he’s enjoying this monumental day in Coog history.


I know the PAC Presidents are doing everything in their power to keep their conference afloat, but at some point, someone needs to display bold leadership and long term wisdom and make the decision that is best for the university. Maybe some of you might know, but I have not heard one viable option that the PAC has that matches the B12 money with the same media exposure.


Lots in this one. Grim 4 PAC & ACC on the decline.

GF w 9 bullet points in 9 minutes from above.

Around Labor Day… So around when the season starts and the bad news can be covered up.

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If it’s a bad media deal for the PAC, teams are going to leave and everyone will be talking about that.


What say smoo buddy? Invite still coming next week?


I always thought leaving UH out was on purpose to force Tilman to use some of his political capital, it made no since at the time and looked like the Big12 was abandoning southeast Texas, it was a headscratcher, and resolved extremely fast. Looked a lot like politics to me. No telling what Tilman had to promise or threaten.

"But as they say in Texas, “Don’t hang your wash on someone else’s line.”

Opens w SDSU fan tipping $10 2 get laughed at.
Hoped Canzano’s latest Porkie was legit.

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We don’t say that in Texas. That’s gotta be Indiana or Kentucky.

Idiomatic fail.