Basketball Ticket Exchange Thread

Looking for 3 tickets for the basketball game tonight against Oklahoma State. Thanks Go Coogs!

One Blue Lot pass for tonight’s game (Ok State). $20 obo. DM if interested.


Blue parking pass. DM offer.

Two free tickets to CoogFans. Sect. 110 row 15 seats 1&2. DM me. GONE



I still have 2 tickets in Section 104, Row 7. At this point, I’d like to get enough for them to cover the cost of one Hugorita – $16. Let me know if interested.

tickets gone.

2 free tickets section 116. First to DM gets them

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Does anyone need tickets to Baylor? I have two in section 115, row 14 + Blue Lot parking pass. Make me an offer.

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Skiing again lol??:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


:joy::sweat_smile::laughing:. Glad you went first, bc I really wanted to. I found the strength not to.

We kidd We kidd!! :grin:

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Of course! I’m considering driving to the Colorado game tomorrow depending on the weather
so a fair trade!


Looking for 2 tickets (and parking pass?) for Iowa State game on 22-Feb for me and the Mrs. Anyone selling yet, feel free to DM. Thanks!

Anyone need 2 tix to Baylor game sec 106 row 7, DM me make me an offer

I have one ticket in Section 113, Row 14 available for $90 OBO. Really just looking to cover the cost of Hugoritas ($16 each) for the 5 awesome Coogfans that you’ll get to sit next to (including me)!

SOLD: 1 Blue lot pass for Baylor $20. DM if interested.

Two tickets to Baylor plus parking pass sec 106 row 7 (good seats), 120 for whole package

Two tickets Section 110 Row 5 seats 12 and 13 and blue lot pass. DM me if interested. Would much rather sell to coogs!

3 tickets Section 107 Row 8 plus Parking Pass.

Make me an offer.

I have 2 tickets in section 116 row 16 and a blue parking pass. Asking $90 for the package

I love that we’re selling to Coogs but why are so many people constantly giving up their tickets ? Go to the games and support our team!