Yeah. Have to agree. I went by myself. I had a seat next to a group. I came back with my beer and another UAer was in it talking to the lady next to my seat. I politely told him it was my seat and this twit puts his hand up, like to shut me up. He kept talking another bit, got up, and looked at me like I kicked him in the balls. Schmuks.
I’m reminded when all teams never had their names on their uniforms. We also did not have our names on our uniforms when Yeoman came aboard. As we got good, Yeoman was the first team who put our name up front and in your face as HOUSTON on our uniforms. Just to remind folks, that’s the team who beat you. Loved Yeoman. Class act and always in your face.
I have met great and gracious fans from just about every fanbase we have played against.
Of course everyone has some obnoxious fans, just check bout different forums including ours.
The only games I can remember attending on the road that really got me upset were games at Ole Miss, Mississippi State and at Texas, all in the late ‘60s and all about the same thing…black players.
I remember the racial slurs and even threats.
I even was kicked out of the Ole Miss pressbox and yep my cocky self was more then scared lol.
SMU fans putting that banner “beat the Cougroes” in the Astrodome was a low life thing to do and I will never forget it.
Times have changed, and mostly for the good so I don’t take opposing fans all that serious anymore.