Art Briles to

What was your favorite memory of Art Briles as the OC of Grambing?


Art will never coach anything above the high school level again.

Either he accepts that and stays at that level or he retires and moves on from football.

I think it was the ā€œforgiveness letterā€ that his boss wrote. Thatā€™s a real highlight.

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When you are so toxic that the threat nuclear annihilation canā€™t cover up your hireā€¦



Actions have consequences !!


As do inactions. :slightly_smiling_face:


Will he ever coach again?

The high school level or lower at best.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.


Even convicted felons get a second chance, but you donā€™t believe a man who has lost his job, lost his reputation, and basically blackballed should never be allowed to work again because he was the scapegoat for BU. He committed no crime and had no charges ever filed against him. Just what was he supposed to do, go to the police and tell them he heard some rumors that a member of his team committed sexual assault? He was not a member of the police, the justice system, nor had any authority to do anything other than the coaching duties of his position. Yet he suffered consequences for something others did. Boy, that really sounds like true justice to me.

The young ladies who were assaulted should have done what other victims do, go to the police. I donā€™t really understand why the coaching staff is supposed to get involved in criminal investigations. Had the young man or men robbed a convenience store, it would be in the policeā€™s jurisdiction, I donā€™t know why sexual assault would be any different.


I understand your feelings, but he looked the other way. I for one, do not believe he was a good leader of young men. I agree that he may not have committed any crime. I am not the judge. Apparently, no one was the judge.

Was Joe Paterno guilty ? He informed the AD and school president what was going on !


After Paterno found out, didnā€™t he allow Sandusky to stay on the staff? Seems to me what Paterno did (or didnā€™t do) was a lot worse than what Briles did.


Still proud to be a Tigerā€¦ā€¦.not so fast my friend.

I donā€™t think he ever coaches again.

It is a shame he cannot work again in college. As an assistant, he is not responsible for the actions of recruits like at BU, yet for some reason they think recruits will run crazy again with him on staff. He was cleared of all charges.


I donā€™t think a coach should be held responsible for what their players do away from football. I think police should be the people to handle criminal activity, not the coaching staff.


I doubt he would be approved for a Chik-fil-a franchise. Man, thatā€™s rough.

For those saying ā€œhe didnā€™t do anything illegalā€, some institutions (and people) have standards slightly above being a convicted criminalā€¦ so there is that.


Was he ever charged with any thing ??

I donā€™t think so. He didnā€™t commit any crime.

He just seem to ignore what was going on or depended on other Baylor personnel to take care of it.

Baylor seems to have institutional issues.

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Unfortunately for Briles, ā€œthe marketā€ has decided that heā€™s not worth the trouble. Briles got paid as part of leaving Baylor. His multi-millionaireā€™s ā€œpunishmentā€ is that heā€™s still generally unemployable in college football.

Iā€™m sure this isnā€™t how he wants things to be, but heā€™s just gonna have to deal with it like everyone else who canā€™t find the job they want, except that he doesnā€™t have any financial needs to worry about. I canā€™t really feel sorry for him.