A rare look at how men's basketball runs practice drills!

It’s a Sampson quote…

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That prediction by Matt Norlander of CBS Sports that Terrance Arceneaux could start later on this season

I could see it.

@pesik regarding Ramon, yeah i see you what you mean.

Sampson post practice interview.

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I knew that but did not realize you were saying it as a quote……apologies to you.


Coach got his years messed up. Thats alright :wink:

2018-19, the bigs were Breaon Brady, Fabian White as starters.

And Ced Alley , Gresham, Chris Harris off the bench. Gorham redshirted.

Really good answers as usual to their questions

From his answers the 8 guys who will definitely play. In no particular order:

7.Ramon Walker
8.Jwan Roberts

J’avier, Mylik, Emmanuel, and Bowser, not sure how many minutes they’ll get

bowser or javier will get minutes… like 10-18 minutes …there will be games we need size and 1 will be a beneficiary … i was leaning javier before today clips, i might be leaning towards bowser now… he is more coordinated than i thought… and javier less than i thought …but its still wide open

i think emmaunel is on the outside sitting in from depth…and mylik IMO is the rest guys on the rare situation both sasser and shead arent on the floor

Now we know why they’re so poor at free throws…the don’t practice them

I don’t see our two backup guards being RW and TA as a tandem.

I pencil in Wilson as a pretty sure bet to spell both Shead and Sasser and for Walker or TA to spell Mark.
I will be surprised if the 4th big is not Francis.


Based on this little clip or is that what Sampson said?

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sampson noted we can play small ball some games with roberts, terrance & ramon depending on the opponent… im inferrring that the opposite most also be true… if “some games” we can get away with small ball, it must mean there are games we cant…reggie at 6’7…bowser and javier are the only centers on roster…

either javier or bowser will get PT

and in old interview at the start of summer (before bowser was on roster) he said francis was getting PT, alot of what he said back then seems to have changed based on summer workouts so im not sure if that still stands
but earlier in the summer said he could break out at some point maybe not early season but at some point in the season…

my guess of leaning towards bowser was just based on the clips and bowsers coordination being better than i expected

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One thing that stood out to me was how excited Sampson got , the day before practice, when looking over sets and things he wanted to go over. He doesn’t sugarcoat things, so as we all expect it to be a special season, that gets me even more excited.

Mark and Ramon still got that hitch in there shots. Hopefully they can still knock them down

TA jumper probably looks the smoothest outside of Sasser. At least form wise. Ima assume sharps the better shooter.


He starts his shot in a weird position and super low


I think that’s it


Curious what you are referencing Randal


Sheesh we got some grumpy old men in here



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