The last couple of years, I’ve noticed a lot of new home building around Elgin between 288 and Emancipation. At Francis St, you can see a bunch of new 3 story homes that tower over the neighboring one story homes.
I see new townhomes being built south of OST around Peerless/Del Rio area going towards Yellowstone. Land owners have been clearing out that area for years now, blocks of vacant land. Not 3rd Ward, but not too far south of it. Still close enough to impact UH in my opinion.
I agree that nearby development will have positive impact but as you said it’s not third ward but it’s “close”.
As an old buddy who served in Vietnam used to say, “Close is good in horse shoes and hand grenades. And sometimes flame throwers”.
Gentrification is coming. When 80% of your residents rent, it is just a matter of time. I truly hope that the area retains the rich music heritage of the area. I hope that area becomes the live music center of Houston along with the high priced townhomes.
There isn’t much you can do when you are a renter. That is prime real estate. This is good for the University of Houston.
The problem is the buyers have been basically slum lords or hidden management organizations buying up land to keep folks out.
And when you get development its large high rise apartments catering to students or so which mean your basically relying on the schools to stay populated.
Why not? Why did they get rid of it in the first place? Were they in all of old mansions?
Probably lack of $$$ / alumni support / neighborhood complaints
Mansions aren’t cheap.
Yeah, I know. Not the same to me. I mean the mansions lol
The Greeks that were on Macgregor were either renters, or could not afford to properly maintain their property. There really never was a Macgregor Greek Row. Plus there was highly publicized clashes with the area residents (SAE for example).
As I recall, when I was at UH in the early 2000s, there was at least one large fraternity house off of Lawndale.